Monday, February 13, 2006


wow-whistler 2006 memories part ii

From: Tyler Haraldsen

To summarize Benner’s email and continue the chain …

Some of the crews musical talent is mad DJ’n and spinn’n - Awesome!! … I write & sing cheesy guitar songs and lyrics haha.. so I wrote yet another song summarizing the weekend .. Thought I would share ….

(verse only)


Six billion don’t realize,
we need to love life ‘n patronize
Most of us never connect with it,
only those who push for the limit

I found it up in a higher state,
while taking some time to accelerate
It could have been the drugs or alcohol,
or just the wild crew all messed up ’n colorful

Life is made of these moments,
like a famous quote, seize it and own it
Capture each second with loved ones and friends,
cause no one knows when our time ends

Till the next Johns Bros bash...

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