Monday, January 31, 2005
Daily Weird News
Walter Bagehot (1826 - 1877)
Dragon ladies on alert! You should be aware of a recent Dutch study that found that smoking is significantly harder on women's bodies than men's. Apparently, women who ides of lung cancer did so 11 years early, versus men who died 3 years early.
Boo-hoo! Kerry blames the Bin Laden tape, which was boradcast days before the November election, for his loss to Dubbya. Yeah, right!!!
This stripper wins damages against the tiger that attacked her. More to the point, the owners of the Ontario safari park will pay the lady because she can no longer work in her revealing field. Her boyfriend, an accordian player, won even more because he can no longer play his instrument.
A new, toothy image for police in the Phillippines...
American Nazis in Oregon adopt a highway. Lovely. I'm sure it will be cleaned with machine like regularity.
Here's an interesting stroy about the cursed Pearl of Allah.
This Chicago food warehouse was dubbed an 'amusement park for rats'. Yikes!
This fish sure did not go without a struggle.