Thursday, December 23, 2004
Daily Weird News
Here's a corrupt Replublican Govenor in Connecticut. Who would have guessed? Sadly, the man once considered for Dubbya's running mate in 2000 is only going to get a light senctance for his crime of accepting free work in exchange for sweetheart contracts.
We are living in the age of cloned-to-order pets. Good lord! The first customer is a lady who's beloved pet of 17 yers recently passed away, so they cloned the beast. I wonder if they'll call it by the same name or something new like Franken-Puss.
The US is playing more shenanigans at the UN by delaying the publication of a report concering Arab Human Development. could it be that the report has some nasty things to say about the US intervention in the Middle-East?
A new infrared wide area survey camera developed in the UK at Edinburg has delivered some stunning pictures of deep space and the Orion constellation.
And a Swiss student was busted by Australian cutoms officials for trying to play hide-the-salami.